EU, in or out?

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I employ 11 people and have run my own business for the last 13 years.

Still out!
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As a matter of interest Did you look at prof Dougans analysis in its entirety jonzo172 ? I'm just curious as to what bits of it you disagree with and why?
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diesel wrote:As a matter of interest Did you look at prof Dougans analysis in its entirety jonzo172 ? I'm just curious as to what bits of it you disagree with and why?
I switched off quite early with it to be honest...
so are you prepared to disclose your employment background?
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Why would I do that? I couldn't care less about what you do for a living or how many people you employ (unless you're a professor of European law or similarly qualified) .I was interested in how you would refute what Dougan has to say.
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diesel wrote:Why would I do that? I couldn't care less about what you do for a living or how many people you employ (unless you're a professor of European law or similarly qualified) .I was interested in how you would refute what Dougan has to say.
I disclosed my employment status at request of Spanish Fly's post which I thought was an interesting tilt.
I have sympathy with some of his previous views and thought I would embrace his request to see what his comments were.

Why wouldn't you?
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As I say jonzo my interest in sharing employment details with you or Spanish fly for that matter is zero I couldn't care less what either of you do for a living. Your inability to refute or unwillingness to listen to the facts as presented in the linked film is of interest to me in this instance.
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jonzo172 wrote:I employ 11 people and have run my own business for the last 13 years.

Still out!
Glossing over Diesel's evasive stance:
Jonzo. Would you describe your business as primarily an importer, exporter or domestic?

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Spanish Fly wrote:
jonzo172 wrote:I employ 11 people and have run my own business for the last 13 years.

Still out!
Glossing over Diesel's evasive stance:
Jonzo. Would you describe your business as primarily an importer, exporter or domestic?

Mainly domestic with only a very small percent export to EU.
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Standard tactic
When presented with facts that cannot or are unable to be disputed
Deflect the debate and make it personal

Why did you turn it off Jonzo172

Professional Engineer who has to make decisions based on facts and evidence.
Present options and opinion , then back it up with said evidence and facts.
The people I work for and answer to ask awkward questions like
'What's your evidence that it's safe'/best solution "
and my favourite
"What are the risks involved with options."
To be honest I never read that paper/guidance /best practice advice / expert opinion isn't much of an answer.

Note the use of professional, which means when confronted with something I don't understand or can't get to grips with I seek out information from Experts.

I entered this with an attitude of Stay but was open minded enough that I would vote leave if a good enough case was made.

This isn't a debate is some entrenched opinions backing ther position up with dogma.
I haven't heard one practical solution from Brexit on
How they will deal with immigration
What the return of Sovereignty will practically entail and how it will benefit Britain
How trade will be conducted
Why the EU is undemocratic, when we elect and appoint euro MP's, if you accept this as fact, the next logical step, our parliament is Undemocratic, we don't need it any more.

The whole leave argument is emotional, not fact or evidence based.
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The EU is not a free-trade area; it is a customs union. The difference may seem technical, but it goes to the heart of the decision we face. Free-trade areas remove barriers between members and, economists agree, tend to make participants wealthier. Customs unions, by contrast, erect a common tariff wall around their members, who surrender the right to strike individual trade deals. From the start, the EEC prioritised politics over economics and opted for a customs union as the means to a political union.

Britain is one of only two of 28 member states that sell more to the rest of the world than to the EU. We have always been especially badly penalised by the EU’s Common External Tariff. Unlike Switzerland, which enjoys free trade with the EU at the same time as striking agreements with China and other growing economies, we must contract out our trade policy to a European commissioner — at present, as it happens, a former sociology lecturer from Sweden.

We have (because the EU has) no trade agreements with China, India or most other Commonwealth countries. EU–Australia talks are being held up by a dispute over Italian tomatoes. Even the EU-Canada deal, which everyone thought was agreed, now risks being vetoed by Romania because of an unrelated row about visas for Romanians wishing to enter Canada. It’s a costly failure. In 2006, the EU was taking 55 per cent of our exports; last year, it was down to 45 per cent. What will it be in 2030 — or 2050?
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