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My first attempt

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:59 pm
by Shipleystevep



Bought a spray gun and compressor ages ago and finally found time to try it for myself. Never sprayed a scooter before (always used a brush )
Stripped my 66 Eibar 150 special, seem to have spent ages prepping it. Made a Heath Robinson spray both in my garage to try and screen it off, all primed now ready for final flatting then it's all systems go with the spray gun.

Wish me luck

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:01 pm
Isn't it just the most satisfying feeling there is when all the paint is on ( when it goes well :D )

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:20 pm
by coaster
Just make sure it is warm and dry whilst spraying AND throughout the drying process, nothing worse than avoiding runs and orange peel just for it to 'blush' as the moisture gets to it :oops:

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:37 pm
by Shipleystevep
Thanks for the advice just in the process of borrowing a couple of infra red heaters.

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:48 pm
by coaster
Shipleystevep wrote:Thanks for the advice just in the process of borrowing a couple of infra red heaters.
Good move but leave them switched on for a couple of hours after you have finished if it is cold/damp. Mild 'blush' can be polished out but sometimes it is too bad to do anything with. I once sprayed the family Cortina estate 2 days before heading off on a 2 week tour of Cornwall. I was up against the clock and it had been raining all day (spraying outside). Eventually stopped raining at 7pm so dried car off and got stuck in with the Sunburst Red, it was getting dark by the time I finished and a heavy dew set day I had the dullest finish imaginable and to make matters worse, 3 hours flatting and compounding only resulted in a marginal improvement in gloss AND it looked VERY pink :oops: No choice, had to go with it and put up with the jibes of my brother in his new Sierra :roll:

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:52 pm
by crooky
You can buy a small gauge to fit on the gun lot of people make mistake of having too high pressure. Just makes load of overspray. Viscosity important as well get a grip coat on (coat that barely gets opacity) a single coat then a good double coat with 10_15 mins between put plenty on and look at flatting it with 1500 wet and dry and buff it back with compound. Good luck

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:26 pm
by Shipleystevep
Thanks for the advice
An older guy told me to blather plenty on and flat it back?
I'm using cellulose so we'll see......

Should be ready to try the colour on Monday - fingers crossed

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:05 pm
by philz
I'm the same, first attempt at paint. Currently got some etch coat on and primered some parts. Looking ok so far.

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 2:34 pm
by Shipleystevep



Right, so first go at putting the colour on, did frame first and very pleased with that. Some dust particles but they'll polish out I think. Then I made my first mistake, still had a bit of paint in the gun so rather than waste it I thought I'd start a side panel. Got a couple of light coats on but then the gun spat a bit as it ran out. Any ideas how I deal with this? There's just a couple of tiny spots so do I try and flat out when it's hard or carry on and see how it is with a few more coats on.

Cheers steve

Re: My first attempt

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 12:12 am
by philz
I'm guessing at flat off then respray, I would say its not worth putting more on a bad base.