Sorted now?jedan71 wrote:Great speed on the site, and this being viewed here in New Zealand, though cant find the buttons to post topics or create PM's maybe teething issues.

Sorted now?jedan71 wrote:Great speed on the site, and this being viewed here in New Zealand, though cant find the buttons to post topics or create PM's maybe teething issues.
Very much so mick, very much so! The change over happened in the blink of an eye, and was really the easy bit. And we've had to strip a lot of stuff out of the forum, and refit them......and still have more bits to strip out and replace which we will be doing next week. Then the rebuilding starts, and we hope to add a few new bits that people will like too...... ;0))mick1 wrote:I'm presuming it's still early days and things will change...
Maybe cos it happened just before people were going Modra?mick1 wrote:The site dosn't seem as active as prior to the change over (think this has been mentioned)
There are certain times of year when the forum seems quieter, usually around major rallies and UK summer holidays etc. But we still have nearly 3000 registered members and around 6000 guests, so we are happy. Its just some of the post notification apps that are missing, but as per last nights post/announcement they should be getting added back in this week.purple_pill67 wrote:Maybe cos it happened just before people were going Modra?mick1 wrote:The site dosn't seem as active as prior to the change over (think this has been mentioned)
LCGB seemed quieter too
That explains why I've had an e-mail from PayPal saying that Eden Bakewell has cancelled my automatic payment to scooterotica no ads.sean brady scooters wrote: Eden and scooterotica have parted company...
No....bud, there arent any adverts on here at the payments required anymore, hence the cancellation!lakelambrettas wrote: I'll have to set up a new payment if I want no ads then will I?