The Dyno Process

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I hope this doesn't sound too daft a question but are the final power dyno runs on a 4 speed manual box carried out in third or fourth gear?
Did you have to do that?
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The ones I've been present at have been 3rd

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3rd........... Will the next question be why??? ;)
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paulmgreen wrote:3rd........... Will the next question be why??? ;)
Oh go on then..... :D
Did you have to do that?
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I've used a few dyno's and all used 3rd gear except Simon at B-race
TS1 and PX stay in the garage (future barn finds) out on the GTS 300 when I go out on a scooter.
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The 3 main types of runs we perform are :-

AG ( All gear ) this is usually plotted power,Torque & AFR against time
RO ( Roll on ) usually performed from 2000 rpm (ish ) in 3rd and plotted against rpm
FA ( Fast acceleration ) again 3rd gear from 5000 rpm (ish) again vs rpm

All the above should also be plotted against the AFR ( Air Fuel ratio )

The reason we use 3rd as it's an easier gear to use to show peak power over time 1st & 2nd's two quick and 4th too long so 3rd is a happy medium. When we set up the sprint engines for example the final test is always peak power in all gears to help set up gear changes etc . theres lots of other factors involved such as inertia/acceleration/load/gear ratio's/AFR/correction factors etc etc, hope this brief explanation helps.

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Yes indeed, very much appreciated and thanks

Did you have to do that?
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