New winter project !
Screwed frame, he have made a hug with a car...
So perfect for some little modifications

(bim bam boum la voiture, chassis vrillé)
Spare legshield of 90ss from sck
Made for short chassis, so need to be patched
On présente et on pointe tout ça:
Resive the floorboard renforcment
Resize the floor
And restyle that littl ass
Need some pieces on it, to remade the end of the back, under the license plate (wich will be relocated)
An highly modified handelbar from a spanish 150s (waiting to be welded)
A crystal lense
A restyled brake
And an engine for move forward has fast has possible
(Ol iron polini, conversion piston GS -5 mm, DRT crankshaft stroke 53, 28 carburator on a reed valve, gearbox re-staged, and Hamerzombie exhaust)
The one on the right